Meet New Board Member Emily Chase


Emily Chase

Chase’s Market, formerly known as Oregon Natural Market, is a third generation-owned small-format health food store in Ontario, Oregon. Currently owned by my partner Michael and I, Chase’s Market is a wellness-focused store with a growing grocery department. In addition to our robust wellness department, we also carry frozen, refrigeration, produce, bulk, and health and beauty products. 

Chase’s Market was founded by Michael’s grandparents, Pat and Ruth Chase, who were looking for alternative solutions for their son’s severe eczema at the time. Finding there weren’t many options outside of allopathic medicine, they realized their community was lacking an outlet for this budding industry. Pat and Ruth opened the first health food store in Idaho in 1956. Chase’s Market grew to four locations throughout the Idaho area, with one location in Ontario, Oregon (Oregon Natural Market). Over time, Chase’s Market dwindled to one remaining location in Ontario due to unfortunate financial mismanagement under second-generation leadership.

       Chase's Market in the 1950s

During this time Michael had been living in Canada. His mother called, hoping he might consider returning home to help save the store. Michael, not wanting the family business to fail and seeing the immense opportunity, made the decision to return home in 1997. He began educating himself in nutrition science and building the business one customer at a time. By 2003, sales were trending upward, and the market was ready to move into a larger location. Michael and I married and have since worked together to build our business. 

In 2016, during a routine visit with our Natural Factors sales representative, INFRA was brought up in conversation. The rep explained how much support INFRA was providing to independent retailers. My interest piqued, and I still remember googling INFRA and quickly realizing that we needed to join this group of stores ASAP. Thank goodness we did! After attending our first share group, Michael and I walked away completely overwhelmed and motivated to improve our systems and grow our small business. 

          Emily & Michael Chase

Growing up, I watched my parents successfully open and expand their own businesses. I spent my formative years in my parents bicycle store. My dad would routinely quote the specialized bicycle tenant to "innovate or die." It's a saying that I have kept with me. I see it as a principle that can be applied all businesses no matter their size. Innovation can be updating systems, bringing in a new line, finally learning to use SPINS (thanks Jim Olson), or justifying all those dollars in ECRS support time. For me, running for the INFRA Board of Directors was my personal innovation. I wanted to learn more about our industry and give back to our independent community.

                        Recent Photos of Chase's Market 

Today, Chase’s Market is a well-known local gem. We continue to roll out the red carpet for our customers. We pride ourselves on greeting each customer who walks through our doors, having an educated staff, and offering every single INFRA deal we can. As a store that remains heavily focused on wellness, we are lucky enough to have a doula, life coach, two Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, and a clinical nutritionist on staff, along with a handful of other awesome people. I can’t wait to contribute my knowledge to INFRA’s membership as a board member and connect with this incredible network of small businesses on a deeper level!


1 comment


08-28-2024 01:08 PM

Emily Chase’s views of the history of her store and vision for growing the business while serving the community are inspiring and wonderful!